Thursday, July 25, 2013

Bachelorette Season 9: Men Tell All

Tonight on the this very special edition of the Men Tell All we see that the men have not gotten over their “drama” and still hate each other. So we cut to “the best fans ever” and see Chris and Des totally creeping on some Bachelorette watching parties. I’m noticing a lot of guys at these parties. . .but also a ton of screaming girls especially when Des pulls out Ash and JP. Wow 26 seasons? That is a little bit crazy especially when you think of the success rate of the show, which I think is at a gigantic 3 maybe 4 couples still going strong. [That is couples that were created on the Bachelor or Bachelorette, not couples from Bachelor Pad or Bachelor/ette alum getting married to each other, like Chris and Peyton J)

Des sits down with some lovely ladies from the past: Emily, Ali, and Ashley about how to deal with the dramatic dudes of this season and they recap on those devilish dudes like Ben, Brian, and James.
Side note: one of the only reasons I like to watch the men/women tell alls is because of the bloopers! That is my all time favorite part and they never make them long enough.

Ooo yay they are showing us all the guys whose names we have long forgotten and I am seeing familiar faces and would not know their names without that helpful little writing on the screen. I think Zak K. might be a front runner for the next Bachelor. Also I am surprised that they brought back Fantasy Suite room guy. I feel like Jonathon watching himself, is feeling awkward and sorta proud of himself. They are replaying the guys drama and uncomfortable moments from start to finish. Jonathon was absolutely drunk that night and I appreciate that he apologized to everyone.
I would like to see Brandon as the next Bachelor because he is a loyal and genuine guy.

Ah now we get to Ben. Big bad Ben. He was shady, and in the beginning I liked him. For like one episode and then he turned weird. I don’t know what it was about him. And we get to watch the Michael roast again, man he really went after him hardcore. Well from the audiences’ reactions Ben does not have a huge following. Now the conversation has turned to who was a better dad on the show and Dan has some accusations that Ben’s baby mama approached him and told him all kinds of crazy things about Ben. And Zak thinks that Juan Pablo is a great dad, which gets him more cheers from his fan club.

Jimmy James (haha) joins Chris in the hot seat. And now we get ANOTHER recap. Bleck. So many recaps. If they cut out this crap they could have made this show an hour! Michael was the center of a lot of the drama, he was definitely a huge vocal presence but perhaps that was just his lawyer coming out. James is defending himself about this stupid car ride conversation again. James please go back to the Jersey shore cast. And if Mikey can introduce James to so many beautiful successful women then why did he go on the Bachelorette? Haha James would totally want to be the Bachelor but Bachelornation totally won’t have him.

Juan Pablo is a fan favorite for sure, I mean these girls made shirts and everything. I love his outfit by the way, it’s a refreshing pop of color in between all these drab gray and black suits. Des is hilarious on her Juan Pablo commentary. “Soccer players have the best butts” and he cracks up. It’s sweet to see the side of Juan Pablo on his feelings about his daughter.

Zak’s up next to tell about his “love affair” and “how it all went wrong” Way to be encouraging Christopher. I still can’t get over how blinding Zak’s teeth are. Did Des give the journal back too? Why does Chris have it L Zak looks a little uncertain when Chris asks if he can read the secret invisible ink poem. He doesn’t want his heart smashed in a million pieces all over again dude!

Out comes Desiree in another sparkly dress. She confronts some of the guys, accepts Jonathon’s apology, and Zak awkwardly sings another song he wrote in front of everyone. The bloopers were funny but like always they were too short L Then we see previews for the 2 part “most dramatic season” finale of the Bachelorette ever. That must be Chris Harrison’s favorite phrase. Until next week!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Bachelorette Season 9 Episode 8

Hometown Dates, Yay!

First up, we have Zak and we’re in his hometown of Dallas, Texas. Zak takes Des through a park that he was “born in” but then he follows that up with being raised by squirrels and wolves. Zak decides it would be a good idea to share a crazy dream with Des and she’s looking at him like what is he talking about. So Zak’s family is in the sno cone business, and it looks like they are gonna be serving a hoard of children sno cones. Zak is proving to Des that he has what it takes to be a fatherly figure by coming out as a penguin and dancing with the kids. So they drive the Sno Cone truck back to Zak’s abode and they are greeted by a bunch of squeals and hugs.  His sister looks nothing like him, but his brother is like a mini Zak. [Side note: Zak’s sister’s room is super cute. I like her curtains and bedspread.] So is Zak’s family like the Von Trapp family singers? I would feel super awkward to just be sitting there watching people perform for you. And Des is getting so emotional. I think giving Des a ring when you tell her you love her is a little bit too much pressure. I mean sure it’s sweet but now it’s like more pressure to pick you or to feel bad about sending you home.

Drew’s date is my most anticipated date of the evening cuz he’s my fave. Drew’s family situation could get a little sticky since his parents are divorced and it will be his dad’s first time at his mom’s house. AWKWARD. Drew is super giddy and happy. Des is going to meet Drew’s sister Melissa who is severely handicapped and Des is genuinely excited to meet her, which just shows how nice of a person Des is. Des is meeting 11 people from Drew’s family. Drew’s mom is worried that he is going to get his heartbroken. Which is understandable because only one person can “win” so these other 3 guys that are left are going to be out of luck. Drew’s dad took a liking to Des and gave his blessing to Drew. [Side note: the Bachelor has a much harder time on the hometowns because they usually ask each of the 4 girls’ fathers for their hand in marriage which is a lot more intimidating than just going to hang out with the guys’ families] Drew is so sweet and bursts out his declarations of love for Des. He is “overwhelmed” by love at this point.

Chris got Des something for their date, Looks like some flowers and a wishy from a dandelion? Chris takes Des into the baseball field where he first learned to play ball. So they transform into baseball gear and hit some balls. And Des is loving it. Chris is totally shocked that she can hit a baseball. Chris’s family is pretty big and it seems like Des is meeting a ton of people on these hometowns. Okay so it is a little weird that Chris’s dad just jumps at the opportunity to adjust Des’s back? Des thinks she and Chris have compatibility which is good for their relationship. Ever guy so far seems pretty good for Des so I don’t know how she is going to make her decision. Eww what is Chris’s dad doing to his nose!! Totally saw some juicy boogers and that was real gross. Chris’s mom likes Des. A lot. Which apparently she is a real tough cookie to crack. And she gives Chris the family blessing in a totally monotone voice. And Chris loves Des more than every. Just like the other 2 guys.

Brooks seems to be totally doubting this experience and seems way less into this relationship than the other guys. He is putting a negative mood on the hometown date. Brooks is proving to Des that he is not a real boatsy guy, since he got water all up in their canoe. And at this point I kind of stopped watching their date but all I know when I came back Des was declaring her love for Brooks. Again. Ugh.

So I don't think after last season Des's brother should be allowed anywhere near these guys. He is a real jerk and I fear for the guys that actually get to meet him. I understand he's being so "protective" or whatever but he is flat out rude. And being a totally creeper in the hotel. 

The rose ceremony is pretty intense but Brooks (the booger) gets called out first, then Chris, and Drew. So Zak [Von Trapp] is sent home and is pretty emotional about it but hey I don't blame the guy.

Next week: The Men Tell All special is on. This confuses and puzzles me because they always do the MTA whenever there are 2 guys left, not 3. So this makes me think something big is coming in two weeks, on (as Chris Harrison would say) "the most dramatic season of the Bachelorette yet".

The Bachelorette Season 9 Episode 7

So here's what has happened and why I have once again become a MAJOR slacker on my Bachelorette updates. I was on vacation over the week of July 4th and had to catch up on the episode I missed and then from there I just kind of kept putting off editing my posts and never posted them.

If you need a recap of Episode 6, in one word it was drama! James, Juan Pablo, and Kasey were evicted bringing Des’s group of guys down to a whopping 5. Seriously where has this season gone? I cannot believe we are already at the week before hometowns. Also I just found out today that we are not getting Bachelor Pad this summer. I am highly upset by this news. What am I supposed to do without the third installment of the Bachelor franchise!!??!!

Welcome to Madeira! The remaining dudes and their lady are off to this magical little island. No roses on the dates this week except for the two on one and thankfully no one has to worry about going home on that date. ABC brings in some familiar faces and some much needed girl talk for Des as she receives the advice of her former Bachelor costars. It is a little weird that Catherine is there and that she brings up how Sean is hoping for the best for Des. Umm did she forget that they dated the same person? I loved what Catherine said about the binoculars, “I don’t know how to work these cuz I’m not a creeper.”

Oh Brooks, you get another one on one. Please be more exciting than last time. Why is Des wearing big clunky wedges when walking on the edge of the world? I would be in flats for fear of falling off and dying. This cloud drive is pretty sweet, it would probably freak me out though to actually do it because I wouldn’t know where the cliff starts and stops. Des and Brooks’ connection surprises me and I could definitely see him in the final two. He isn’t my favorite by far but I can’t say how Des is feeling. She is clearly feeling a connection. I can tell that Brooks is very genuine and he is very passionate about his family. He decides that he cannot be sure if he is running towards the finish line of love with Des if he does not introduce her to his family so he decides that he would want Des to meet his family should she decide to pick him (which I’m sure she will).

Chris is quickly becoming one of my favorites (He’s not quite Drew but I’m worried about Drew after last week’s shady preview) He very badly wants to take Des home to meet his family. The boat they are going on is awesome, I might consider going on one like that (if I knew anyone who had one). Chris is really milking his whole poetry side. I mean it’s a cute idea but come on. So at dinner will we find out if Des is also “running” towards Chris? He definitely seems super nervous and he’s gonna be the first one to break the I love you ice. At least he waited until the final 5 and not on like the third episode like Brandon did.

I don’t think that Michael has a shot of making it past this week. His relationship is way behind the other guys and he is just an easy elimination. When Des and Michael are being pushed in the little wicker basket I wanna know how the guys pushing don’t wipe out and eat concrete. Michael is really feeling it with Des and its all a bunch of feelings because Des is just amazing. Michael would definitely protect Des with his fast talking, arguing lawyer ways. But like I said he's so far behind, I doubt he's got a shot.

Drew and Zak! Two cuties with booties (? It rhymed, Chris’s poetry rubbed off on me) Race car driving!. . .well I suppose they aren’t exactly race cars, but these boys are bringing the competion. Especially because there is a rose on this date. Drew looks very sad and depressed about losing the race. Zak has come a long way for me because that first night when he arrived shirtless I thought he was going to be a player but he turned out to be a good guy. His artwork is great. Definitely better than his portrait of Des on last week’s episode. (If you want a good laugh please find that picture) Drew is so sweet and cute and is my favorite. I think that Des is falling for him. Drew had no reservations about telling Des he loved her and it might have been that extra umph to get him the rose. And he got it J He’s a top four finalist!! 

There is no cocktail party tonight, just the usual pre-rose ceremony dramatic recap with Chris Harrison. Des walks in to chose the four guys who she would like to meet their families. It's a very intense moment. Drew is already safe, followed by Brooks, Chris and Zak. Michael gets the boot and calls him mom crying in the limo. 

Next week hometowns!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Bachelorette Season 9 Episode 5

Munich, Germany

Well so far in this journey of the Bachelorette I am struggling to see which guy is a favorite for the end.
The guys all seem “very excited” to be in Munich, and I would be too. The architecture looks amazing. Chris [Harrison] meets the guys and tells them that there will be 3 dates this week. One on one, group date and the dreaded two on one date is this week. It shall be interesting to see who gets picked for that gem. The hotel the guys are staying in is gorgeous. And I’m super jealous. Chris is picked for the one on one which I’m very happy about because he started to stand out last week. 

Bryden is still doubting his relationship with Des. He is freaking out a little bit and feels stagnant. So because of this, Bryden decides to be a selfish turd and go ruin Des’s date with Chris and tell her that he’s going home. Why he thought that it would be a good idea is beyond me. And his plan to find her is to ask random people on the street if they have seen television cameras? Why not just ask the camera crew following you to point you in the right direction. I suppose that would make less interesting tv.

Meanwhile Des is unaware of the impending doom that approaches her, she and Chris are having fun exploring Germany, shopping for cute costumes and dancing to folk music.

If I were Chris and saw another dude from the house show up on my one on one date, I'd be pissed. I mean he can't really say no to Bryden's interruption but seriously, how annoying. Bryden is turning this one on one into an awkward two on one that is totally unnecessary. He isn’t feeling this anymore and needs to go home, whatever man you should have decided that in AC. It was nice that Des wanted to try and keep the Bryden thing out of the date but Chris was very understanding and I think he helped her out. And it showed that Chris is a good listener.

Des’s dress for her and Chris’s dinner is gorgeous! It is such a pretty shade of purple and so sparkly! EEE I want it, it reminds me of the dress that Ariel wears when she runs into Prince Eric’s arms at the end of the Little Mermaid J
This week’s date is going loads better than last week’s date with Brad. I think that these two have good chemistry and Chris seems like he’s a good match for her. Here comes Chris bringing out the poetry again. I know it is super hard to read your own work to someone, so props to Chris for reading his poetry on national tv. This is the kind of stuff that wins a girl over though. 

The group date involves Juan Pablo, Mikey, James, Drew (who, come on, needs a one on one, he is so cute), Brooks, Kasey, and Zak. The German yoddler (or joddler as Juan Pablo calls it) is very good, and the guys.  . .not so much. Sledding down that hill looks half amazing and half terrifying. I would be going down the mountain just like Des. {Especially if anyone knows how I skied for the first and only time} The ice hotel, igloo thing looks amazing. I think it would be fun to explore but I might also freak out and have nightmares that the ceiling would collapse on me and I would be trapped in a bunch of snow forever and freeze to death. So I don’t think that I will be staying/visiting a snow hotel anytime soon. Mikey, I think you are quite entertaining but I do not think that you have a long term shot with Des. Zak was quite sneaky and set up a little rendevous point for Des that he yoddled her over too. Which caused Mikey’s gears to be grinded but he’s just jealous that he didn’t think of something so cool. James is acting like a pansy, because he’s all, I have been on the one on one date and now no date is good enough for him unless it’s a one on one. Blech get over yourself. James is so confident he’s gonna get the rose blah blah blah I’m glad he didn’t. Brooks got the rose (?) I still don’t get that relationship but whateves. Okay and why doesn’t Des spend more time with Drew!!!! Wahhh.

Something I’ve noticed about the dreadful two on one dates, they usually involve the villain of the season and the villain usually stays. Ben’s season it was between Courtney and someone else and Courtney made it. Tierrable made it in her two on one for Sean’s season. So we shall see if Ben survives this two on one. (He probably will) I think that if Michael decides to trash Ben it will be detrimental to his relationship with Des and that she will send him home or both of them. So Michael thinks that his attorney powers will get Ben sent home. Doubtful but we shall see. What a great ruse telling them they are doing the polar bear plunge. My thoughts when she said that was were are the medics? What a great treat they got instead of the polar bear plunge. A hot tug!!! Best name ever. I feel like it would still be cold though. It would be quite awful if that thing tipped. They would definitely get hypotherma because they are a long way from shore. I do feel kind of bad for Ben during Michael's interrogation. Michael is looking like a huge jerk and Ben is not saying anything back. Michael basically told Ben he’s a bad father and making every else in the hot tug really uncomfortable.

Meanwhile back at the luxurious hotel the hopeful top 4 (Drew, Chris, Brooks, and Kasey) are having a deep conversation about what they heard James and Mikey talking about. James is just looking get to famous and get some ladies. They are definitely going to confront Des because she needs to know. I think that these guys are sincere and there for the “right reasons”. (Everytime I hear anyone say right reasons now that rap song is forever ingrained in my mind).

Michael is really working on putting Ben through the fire. It’s like he’s the one who picked him for the date and is looking to see if he’s right for him. He is really putting him down and it is making Michael look like a real evil person. Michael made a huge mistake and shot himself in the foot big time. Honestly send them both home and give Drew a one on one!!!! WHAT!! I am so shocked that Des picked Michael. So unexpected. Michael must feel pretty good about himself. I think that Michael will probably not make it through the next rose ceremony. And I love that all the guys at the house stayed up late to see if Ben got sent home. How great is that. They were literally jumping for joy.

So it's rose ceremony time. Why are Des and Chris having a heart to heart when we are running out of time!!! We still have this James drama to deal with. AHH! Oh that’s why. No cocktail party. So will James’ dirty deeds be aired out tonight? Poor Drew, he wants to be the good guy so badly that he doesn’t want James to get away with his dastardly deeds. As Des is making her opening speech Drew looks like he’s really struggling with whether or not he will say anything. Of course it comes down to James and Mikey without a rose and she gives it to James. (Sending him home now would be too easy) And why was Drew the third from last name called!! 

Eliminated: Bryden, Ben, and Mikey

So it looks like ABC has saved some James drama for us for next week. Yipee!
My favorites as of now are Drew, Zak, Chris, and Kasey.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Bachelorette Season 9 Episode 4

So first let me preface this with I was a MAJOR slacker this week and I wrote this all out Monday night and didn't feel like editing it so here we are and it's Sunday. . . So here's my very late recap of what happened last week on the Bachelorette. 

Jersey Baby!!

So I’m pretty excited that this week is in Atlantic City. It’s pretty cool to see places where I have been on TV (like AC and I stayed at Revel for a friend's 21st birthday party). And it’s also exciting because I grew up in Jersey. Soo cool J Anyway now about the show. Brad gets the one on one date. I like him but his voice is a little feminine. I hope things go well for him. I love how the guys are saying Brad is reserved and won’t bring out the fun side of Des. Meanwhile they’re on the slingshot and playing all kind of fun carnival games. Side note - it boggles my mind that some people have never had salt water taffy. Or ever been on a boardwalk! Des and Brad are breaking so many health codes in that taffy shop.

The sandcastle they sat on looks amazing and really hard to build. I feel like the date with Brad isn’t going too well. It just feels awkward to watch. AH! Maybe he isn’t comfortable with the cameras. I don’t know, it’s just so weird. Well way to take a guy to the very top of the lighthouse only to dump him and then have to probably walk all the way back down with him. She didn’t think that one through. I feel bad for Brad but I totally agree with Des’s decision. There was just no flow to their conversation at all.

I have high hopes for this group date. Brooks – really a mystical unicorn? Just another reason why you should go home! And Chris Harrison was it really a wise idea to bring a beauty queen into the mix with Des? I saw Juan Pablo eye her up. Is Michael being serious that he always wanted to be Mr. America? Hahaha they have a pagent coach. That is greaaaat. Oh my gosh. Chris’s talent walking in heels. Hilarious! Interview, talent, and swim suit competion! Drew is vocal about what he does not want for his swim wear, no banana hammocks.
Well I think we learned from tonight that Mikey is sensitive (and he’s a secret stripper?) And Bryden’s “talent” was unexpected and a bit traumatizing for the mayor of Atlantic City. Zak W. is a good singer and I thought his song was sweet. Zak W. looks like a Ken doll with his super tan body and uber white teeth. Kasey is crowned the Bachelorette's Mr. America.
Chris decides to open up to Des and read some of his poetry, which is sweet.
Bryden is going to let the competitiveness of the men get to him, especially with Ben.
I would love to see Mikey do a cannon ball in the pool while Des and Ben were talking. That would be amazing. Oh and real classy Ben bringing up your kid AGAIN.
If Mikey doesn’t make it to the end (which I don’t think he will) I hope that he is on bachelor pad. 
Zak W. gets the group rose! (Probably for serenading her with his romantic song)

James goes on the next one on one date and it is a pretty serious one. It is crazy to see video damage from hurricane Sandy. I saw the pictures of the shore after the storm but seeing video feels closer to being there.

The couple that Des and James visit are so strong. They really deserved to go on the date in AC and it was so amazing that the Red Cross worked to repair their damaged wedding album.

I think it took a lot of guts for James to admit to cheating on a past girlfriend. It was better for him to come clean with Des instead of hiding it from her or from said ex girlfriend calling Des and spilling the beans on him herself. I think that she did the right thing by giving him the rose for his honesty but I'm sure she now has reservations about James' character.

At the cocktail party Michael surprises me, and instead of getting caught up in the Ben drama, he actually makes a move. Chris puts himself in the "friend zone" but Des pulls him right out of it and kisses him. There are some guys in the room who still have not gotten much screen time this week. I think that they will be out tonight or soon (I’m talking to you Zack K. and Juan Pablo). Bryden is feeling insecure, which is understandable because he didn’t get any one on one time on the group date. That is kinda unfair. But he is acting a little crazy and I almost thought that he was not going to accept the rose from Des.

Eliminated: Brad and Zack K. (who looks extra teary eyed)

Well next week looks promising to be another drama filled 2 hours. Until then!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Bachelorette Season 9 Episode 3

"It's called the Bachelorette, It’s not called let’s make friends." {Words of wisdom (?) from Ben}

Tonight!! DRAMA!! J I can’t wait, and I know that its horrible of me but yay!

Group date first? That’s cool, glad to see the show mix it up a little bit. This date reminds me of last season when the girls did roller derby. Sticking a bunch of aggressive guys in a gym to play a game of violent dodge ball? That seems like a great idea. And make it a public place! The egos are gonna come out for real. I still wish I knew everyone’s names. I don’t even recognize some people! I’m hoping red team wins because some of my favorites are on that team. It's pretty funny to see the guys walking around in their uniforms. The aggression gets the better of Brooks and just like on the roller derby date, someone gets hurt. I feel bad for him and I think Des felt bad to because she brought everyone to the after party. 

Brad wants to tell Des more about him, and I appreciate his approach of not sending his son out of the limo first and waiting to tell Des about his son. And not using his son as a method to received roses (like some people cough cough Ben) I like Brad, he seems very genuine and he is one of the better “B” named suitors. Chris gets the rose and I’m glad Des gives it to someone new (and not to Ben).

Uh oh a mysterious phone call. Chris Harrison to the rescue. I’m glad to find out that the person who has the girlfriend turns out to be someone who I don’t really know. I like how Des hugs her. So Brian is basically a toolbag and I’m glad he’s gone. 

#Hashtag gets a one on one date? No way. I’m very let down with who Des has been picking to get all the one on one time with her. I guess I’ll start calling #hashtag by his real name. I may have misjudged him, he seems less obnoxious than that first night when he was hashtagging it up. Also this is random but I like Des’s usage of bright neon colors in her wardrobe.

Side note: I feel bad for the person who has to clean all those foot prints off the glass from vandalooping or whatever it’s called.

Everything that could go wrong on Kasey’s date probably went wrong. I think it shows how nice he is by the way he went with the flow.

A second group date? Yee ha! I love Des’s costume, she looks awesome! The guys are definitely funny doing their stunts and everything. I thought Juan Pablo was a real standout because his Spanish did give him an edge that the other guys didn’t have. I was surprised that after the movie, they all came back together for a group party again. Where were the other four guys while Des and Juan Pablo were watching the movie making out? James gets the rose, he reminds me of a big teddy bear. I don't think that he was totally insecure in his relationship with Des, I think he wanted to make sure she saw something with him or else he would consider leaving because of the situation with his dad.

Pool Party! This episode has been refreshing in the little ways the producers are mixing up how things are done. Ben and his sneaky self hijack Des for a car ride as soon as she arrives. Then Mikey and his crew see them come back and get their feathers ruffled and are ready for another rumble. I may not like Ben but I think that his brazenness is helping him further his relationship with Des. Wow Brandon. His talk with Des was a surprise to me. I appreciated how he shared about his mom being a single mom and what he went through but I think 3 weeks is a little soon to be confessing your love. I know everything is sped up on this show but I don't think Des is ready to hear that quite yet.

At the rose ceremony, Des’s blue dress is gorgeous and the guys totally light up when she walks into the room. It's very suspenseful and the cameras get showing a bunch of nervous guy faces as she hands out the roses. Poor Brandon takes the elimination pretty badly. But who wouldn't after confessing their love earlier in the day and then to get sent home? Glad Des didn't keep him around for the wrong reasons though.

Eliminated: Brian {Pre-rose ceremony}, Brandon, Dan

Until next week!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Voice Top 5 Revealed

So I must admit I have fallen behind on this show (since it does kind of interfere with The Bachelorette now) I am glad that I had a chance to see all the auditions and stuff leading up to the final 6 so now I have a good idea about who the performers are. {I may have missed the first 15 minutes of tonight’s elimination episode so I cannot comment on the first performances that took place}

Michelle Chamuel is safe! Yay J I have really liked her since the beginning. She has such a powerful voice. I caught her singing T. Swift’s “I knew you were trouble” last night on commercial break and she was amazing.

The Oklahoma footage is really heart wrenching. The only part I saw of the Healing in the Heartland special was when Miranda Lambert sang “The House that Built Me” and watching her struggle through that song instantly brought tears to my eyes. 

I would love to be on Adam’s team and have him look so proudly at me the way he looked at Amber.
And America saves Sasha Allen! I like her, she isn’t my favorite but she definitely can sing and I like her fashion style. The Swon Brothers and Holly Tucker perform, they are my predictions for the bottom 2, I think that Blake needs to lose an act because I would be sad if a coach was knocked out.

Danielle is very cute and sweet. I think she has a very good shot at winning this whole thing. And she’s safe! I thought the way they were gonna save people was announce each one of Usher, Shakira, and Adam’s people and leave all 3 of Blake’s for a suspenseful ending. Obviously the producers don’t think the way I do.

I really like Amber and Danielle and think that this duet is a foreshadowing of the top 2. Both deserve a record deal. Amber has such control over her voice and it has a raspy rocker tone to it.

Blake seems really nervous, as Carson is about to read the 4th person saved. He has a look of constipation. Amber Carrington is safe and Adam rushes up to her, hugs her and shouts over and over again “I love you, I love you”. So jealous right now. I wish was a good enough singer to make it to that point on The Voice just for that moment. I'm kidding, but not.

Honestly I was kind of surprised the Swon Brothers made it this far because the female singers on this show have been so powerful. And they are saved? Oh my goodness. I did not see that coming.

Eliminated: Holly Tucker

If two people are eliminated next week, my predictions are Sasha and the Swon Brothers.